main gradient




Supported Frameworks

Getting Started

Start by installing the rapid cli:

cargo install rapid-cli

Generate a new fullstack Rapid project with nextjs or remix:

This will give you a project scaffold containing all the needed files to develop an application with either Nextjs or Remix (use "rapid new --remix" to scaffold with Remix instead of Nextjs)

rapid new --nextjs

If you just want a backend web server with rapid you can run the following:

rapid new --server

Start your application:

Run the backend dev-server:

rapid run 

Run the frontend:

npm run dev

File structure

The Rapid framework scaffolds have an almost identical structure to the defaults that you get with both the nextjs and remix CLIs. The only thing that is different is the /api directory:

	/public // Any static files added to this directory will be served by rapid
	/routes // Declare your route handlers // Server entrypoint

For more rapid examples head over to the "/examples" directory in our Github