main gradient




Every Rapid project must have a configuration file called rapid.toml. This document outlines all of the possible configuration options and what they do in detail.

Base configurations


This is the default config for a Rapid server project scaffolded with rapid new --server:

app_type = "server"

serve_static_files = true // Toggles static file serving from the "/public" directory
is_logging = true // Toggles request/response logging
typescript_generation = true
port = 8080 // Changes the port that the Rapid server is served on
routes_directory = "src/routes" // Specifies the directory where rapid will parse for file-based routing
bindings_export_path = "/" // The path where you want your typescript bindings to be exported from


This is the default config for a Rapid remix project scaffolded with rapid new --remix:

app_type = "remix"

server_port = 8080
serve_static_files = true
is_logging = true
typescript_generation = true
bindings_export_path = "app/api"


This is the default config for a Rapid nextjs project scaffolded with rapid new --nextjs:

app_type = "nextjs"

server_port = 8080
serve_static_files = true
is_logging = true
typescript_generation = true
bindings_export_path = "pages/api"

Config options

port - specifies the port address to run the rapid server on (defaults to 8080)

is_logging - toggles logging to on/off

show_error_pages - toggles the styles rapid error pages (true by default)

bindings_export_path - the path to where Rapud should create the bindings.ts file for storing typescript types

serve_static_files - enables static file serving from the /public directory

routes_directory - the directory where all your route handlers live (always defaults to "src/routes")

typescript_generation - enables typescript type generation

typescript_generation_directory - the directory that you want to parse for typescript type generation